This is a review of Kerri Chandler’s classic Fingerprintz EP from XLR8R #19, which came out in the fall of 1995, I believe. With the term ‘garage’ being thrown around in 400 different ways it’s great to hear something that Kerri did in the ’90s and marvel at the forward-looking aspect of it. Intrinsically, the music is descended from the tradition created by djs like Larry Levan, Tony Humphries and Tee Scott. In the mid-’90s UK producers gravitated towards the late ’80s and early ’90s manifestation of this US east coast sound, fused it with elements of drum ‘n’ bass and sound system culture, and created a version of garage that continues to mutate and morph even as I write.
Kerri Chandler
Fingerprintz EP
Why waste time reviewing a record like this when you could be spending time listening to it, mixing it up, or simply sitting looking at it? This is fucking excellent and I love every second of it. Get out there and buy it, you need this record in your box. And those of you who write off garage as a non-progressive music form should take a listen to this. Kerri Chandler is the man, no Kerri Chandler is the mack. Future house and no doubts. Chris Orr
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